Digital instruments

This website presents an overview of useful digital instruments, also those employed by our project, and of websites by other projects researching the archaeological heritage of the ancient Middle East. It will be expanded and organized with time.

Digital Instruments

EpiDoc – a variant of TEI XML designed for editing inscriptions

EFES – EpiDoc Front End Service

Open Source XML editors capable of reading EpiDoc rng schemas:

Recogito – semantic annotation tool for texts and images

RTI – Reflectance Transformation Imaging

Digital Epigraphy Toolbox – a tool for 3D digitization of inscriptions based on squeezes

Beth Mardutho – home for a number of initiatives in digital Syriac studies, with instructions for typing Unicode Syriac and a downloadable package of Meltho fonts

Digital Maps of the Ancient World

QGIS – A Free and Open Source Geographic Information System

Digital databases of inscriptions from the Middle East

PHI – Packard Humanities Institute Database of Greek Inscriptions

Inscriptions of Israel/Palestine

The Rock Inscriptions Project

IPalmyra – a forthcoming project by DAI

Wisconsin Palmyrene Aramaic Inscriptions Project

The Cult of Saints in Late Antiquity (CSLA) Database

OCIANA – The Online Corpus of the Inscriptions of Ancient North Arabia

DASI – Digital Archive for the Study of pre-Islamic Arabian Inscriptions

Useful websites

Digital Classicist

Digital Epigraphy

Manar al-Athar Open-Access Photo-Archive

iDAI Objects – an archive of digitized photographs from the DAI collection

The Palmyra Portrait Project, Aarhus

Howard Crosby Butler Archive: Syria

Kinneret Regional Project – Places (the Syriac Gazetteer), Persons, Saints, Authors, Hagiography

Comprehensive Bibliography on Syriac Christianity