Papyrology and Epigraphy

Conveners: Tomasz Derda (Univeristy of Warsaw, Faculty of Archaeology), Adam Łajtar (University of Warsaw, Faculty of Archaeology)
During the academic year 2020/2021 the seminar is taking place online every Monday, at 4:45pm CET. Please ask the conveners for a link to each meeting.
- 26 October 2020: Adam Łajtar, A late antique inscription in Greek from Phile with an acclamation of an official and a prayer for him and his household.
- 2 November 2020: Constantinos Balamoshev, Late antique inscriptions from Aigosthena revisited.
- 9 November 2020: Adam Łajtar, An inscription from Egypt revisited
- 16 November 2020: Paweł Nowakowski, New inscriptions from Nikaia
- 23 November 2020: Tomasz Derda, Mariusz Gwiazda, „Marea” Excavations: Season 2020
- 30 November 2020: Andrzej B. Kutiak (Technische Universität München), „Marea”/Hawarrija Północna: urbanistyka bizantyńskiego miasta [‘Marea’/Norther Hawarriya: The Planning of a Byzantine Town]
- 7 December 2020: Arkadiy Avdokhin (National Research University Higher School of Economics), Singers Silently Speaking. Psalmists in Inscriptions from Late Antique Middle Egypt (Bawit) [EpIdentity Guest Talk 1]
- 14 December 2020: Piotr Jaworski (University of Warsaw), Klęska urodzaju, czyli wielkie liczenie monet w Marei i co z niego wynika
- 11 January 2021: Estelle Ingrand-Varenne (University of Poitiers), ERC Starting grant GRAPH-EAST : Latin as an Alien Script in the Medieval « Latin East » [EpIdentity Guest Talk 2]
- Winter break
- 22 February 2021: Michał Gawlikowski, Alexander, bishop of Apamea and his church at Huarte or on two Greek dedicatory inscriptions from the baptistery
- 1 March 2021: Joanna Wilimowska, Priests–Artists in Ptolemaic Egypt: musicians, dancers, and singers
- 8 March 2021: Adam Łajtar, Recent epigraphical finds at Dongola. Season 2021
- 15 March 2021: Panayiotis Panayides (JRF, CCC Oxford University/British Academy Postdoctoral Fellow), Inscriptions in context: patrons and viewers at the baths of Salamis in Late Antiquity [EpIdentity Guest Talk 3]
- 29 March 2021: Jose Luis Alonso, Jakub Urbanik, Constantinos Balamoshev, News from Dionysia. A new look at P. Oxy. II 237
Image: University of Pennsylvania Library/Unknown author/Andrew c, A page from the Gospel of Matthew – Papyrus 1/P.Oxy. 2 (cropped detail). License: public domain. Source: Wikimedia Commons.