Call for a postdoc on our project

Below you can find a call for applications to take up a postdoc position on our project. This is a full-time fixed-term (one year) research position. The successful candidate will be based at the Faculty of History, University of Warsaw from 1 October 2022 till 30 September 2023.
Details in the attachment: EN, PL.
1. Processing the epigraphical data from 145 sites according to the EpiDoc (TEI XML) standards, based on the ready materials collected by the team
2. Integrating the collected datasets with a relational database, using digital solutions developed within the project, tagging, geopositioning and other forms of processing the records in the relational database
3. Participation in the analysis of the evidence collected
4. Submission of at least one paper to a high-ranking international journal, discussing the differences between the use of Aramaic inscriptions in the public space in the Hellenistic/Roman period and Late Antiquity
5. Participation in the dissemination of the news on the progress of the project in social media 6. Participation in the weekly team meetings (in person or via video communicators) discussing the work progress
Image: Preetifd1990, Photography jobs (cropped detail). License: CC BY 4.0. Source: Wikimedia Commons.