Team talks

  • Julia participates in an epigraphical summer school at the British School at Rome

    During this sunny week of July, Julia took part in a summer school in Latin epigraphy, organized by the British School at Rome. This event gave her a unique opportunity to get better acquainted with a rich dossier of inscriptions from the city of Rome, ranging from the Republican period to the Later Roman Empire. […]

  • Pawel gives a talk at the LABS seminar, Oxford

    On 10 February, at the Late Antique and Byzantine Seminar, Oxford, Pawel presented part of his research on the inscriptions from the Museum of İznik (ancient Nicaea), conducted together with Mustafa Adak (Antalya Univeristy). His talk focused on an epitaph which may provide new evidence for the origin of the toponym “Galata”, suburbs of Constantinople.

  • Pawel gives a talk at the conference Cyprus in the Long Late Antiquity

    Originally planned as an “in-person” meeting before the pandemics, the conference Cyprus in the Long Late Antiquity, organized at the University of Oxford, Ioannou Centre, by Ine Jacobs and Panayotis Panyides finally went online. The days 13–15 January were brimming with excellent papers on the island’s history between antiquity and the Middle Ages. On 15 […]

  • Past, Present, and Future. Encoding and Accessing Memories in Epigraphy in Post-Classical Mediterranean. On-line workshop, Leiden University, 13–15 January 2021.

    Paweł Nowakowski is giving a talk at the on-line workshop Past, Present, & Future. Encoding and Accessing Memories in Epigraphy in Post-Classical Mediterranean, Leiden University, 13–15 January 2021. The workshop is organised by Grzegorz Ochała within the framework of his IaM NUBIAN project, funded from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the […]

  • Our project presented at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin

    Our PI, Paweł Nowakowski, is presenting the project at the digital Doktorandinnen- und Doktorandenkolloquium von Christoph Markschies, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, 8 January 2021, 5.00pm CET Epigraphy and Identity in the Early Byzantine Middle East: A Short Introduction to a New Project Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin with its Theological Faculty is one of the leading centres of […]