Our project welcomes a new postdoc: dr Martyna Świerk!

Martyna is a historian and epigraphist with the specialization in the epigraphic culture of the provinces of the Roman Empire. Her research interests focus broadly on the phenomenon of epigraphy as a medium for different population groups and the relevance of inscriptions in the public space. In recent years, her research was mainly concerned with sites in North Africa. She earned her PhD in 2023 from the University of Wrocław, with a dissertation entitled: ‘Society of Roman Carthage. The Epigraphic Study’. The thesis was an attempt to present the society of the city’s epigraphic population over nearly five centuries, with a special focus on cultural influences (Roman, Punic and Libyan) in Carthage. During her doctoral studies, Martyna spent several months in Rome at the Sapienza University, pursuing individual research projects (‘Epigraphic culture of Roman Carthage’ and ‘Sociotopography of Roman Carthage – preliminary studies’). Moreover, she completed several library research stays: at the American Academy in Rome, the University of Oxford and at the Deutches Archaologisches Institut in Berlin. She also had the opportunity to participate in an excavation campaign in Nea Paphos (Cyprus). She is also particularly interested in digital humanities and actively participates in the ENCODE project events. In the EpIdentity project Martyna is responsible for inputting datasets of inscriptions to the project’s datebase, using the EpiDoc standard. She will also analyze the presentation of non-Greek inscriptions in the public space during the Hellenistic and Roman period.