Panayiotis Panayides gives a guest talk for EpIdentity
Dr Panayiotis Panayides gives a guest talk for our project, exploring the viewers’ impressions at the late antique inscriptions at the baths of Salamis
Panayiotis Panayides is a Junior Research Fellow at CCC Oxford University, and a British Academy Postdoctoral Fellow. His talk, Inscriptions in context: patrons and viewers at the baths of Salamis in Late Antiquity, deals with the late antique epigraphy of the baths complex at Salamis (Cyprus). The talk will be kindly hosted by prof. Adam Łajtar and prof. Tomasz Derda at the Warsaw seminar: Papyrology and Epigraphy.
The public baths of Salamis were one of the largest buildings of the city with a long history that extends from early Roman times to the end of antiquity. Besides over 50 statues, which decorated the building, past excavations have also brought to light a rich epigraphic material, which provides important information on the identity and priorities of patrons as well as valuable insights into the anticipations and responses of viewers.
Image: Author: Michal Klajban. Title: Columns in Roman gymnasium, Salamis, Northern Cyprus. Source: Wikimedia Commons. License: CC BY 4.0.